Wednesday 9 March 2011

Change the sheets, change the time...

If there is a chore I dread doing the most in this house, it is changing the sheets....I find it so much our master bedroom we have a King size sleigh bed and putting new sheets on is like running a marathon. I get one side on then I have to run a half mile around to get the other side on. Our mattress is about 2 feet thick so making sure the sheets stay in place is no easy task, especially when lifting it is out of the question since it weighs about 100 pounds!
This is what I feel like when I change our bedroom sheets:

Add in the crib sheets where I have to take off all of the bumper and tie a million of those little strings to re-attach it,makes it my most dreaded chore!

Sunday at 3 a.m we turn the clocks forward by an hour which any other year would be great news since it would mean it gets darker later, but this year it means only one poor baby P's schedule is going to get so messed up! Everything will be pushed an hour which just does not work for me, he will get up at what now will be 8:30 instead of 7:30 and I know that everyone is thinking "is she crazy? that is awesome" Well I have to get up at 7:30 to get my daughter off to school anyways so either way I will be up. He also will be going to bed an hour later as well,which means a later bedtime for mommy, because the best time I have to get things done is after he has gone to bed. This will hopefully only last a few weeks as I will try to slowly transition him into the new time. I will keep you updated as to how it goes!

We had a fun play date today with Kayla and Noah, although they didn't do much playing together this time around it was more for the moms!We ordered sushi ( cause our husbands and kids won't eat it) and chatted for about 3 hours, didnt seem that long though! Its so fun to get together like that, amazing to see the progression of the babies since we have been getting together since they were just tiny ones!

So I guess I will just go and watch the snow fall for a little while before I head off to bed, they are calling for another 20+cm...Oh joy!

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