Wednesday 23 March 2011

You are in control of your life!

Sometimes as I am home with my little man I start to think...We are truly in control of our own lives..we only have negative people in our lives if we choose to have them there...we only have negative thoughts if we choose to have them...

Sometimes I feel like we are so busy and consumed with the "what next" we never have the time to enjoy the "right now". I constantly have a to-do list running through my head,  precious times when I should be relaxing and enjoy the moment all I am thinking about is what needs to be done next.

Maybe I am being a little sentimental when I say this, but every moment that passes is a moment that we will never get back. We have to learn to enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the laughter of children, enjoy how truly lucky and blessed we are "Right now".

When I think that I was a young teen mom having my daughter at 18, I had maybe 500$ a month to support us both and now I have met a great man who has taken such good care of us, I now have 2 children and a bright and happy future! So who cares if the laundry is piling up or if my living room is a bit dusty! I have a happy healthy family and a million reasons to enjoy every moment of my life!

So get outside, play on the floor with your kids, get messy! Your kids wont remember that their laundry took an extra day to get washed, they will remember all the great memories that you shared together!


  1. Great post! I agree, though we sometimes need this reminder.

  2. Thank you Julie...I'm writing this at 5:54am looking around at the things I didn't finish last night as I passed out at 10:30 from pure exhaustion and gave myself permission to sleep...I wonder if I'm keeping up with the image one of my friends mothers put forth when we were growing up...her mom had 4 kids, and you could lick every corner of her house thats how clean it was...and I wonder if I am as good a mother as she was seeing as how my corners are a little bit dusty...I say that but this morning, as I nursed Gabriel snuggled on the couch he reached up and grabbed my hand...I'm a good mom...we all are and we need to give ourselves a little bit of credit...thanks for writing what we are all thinking
